Underground Heating Oil Tank Services & Removal
Heating Oil Tank Services
Recent legislative changes to North Carolina cleanup rules regarding non-commercial underground storage tanks (i.e. home heating oil tanks) have resulted in the dissolution of the “North Carolina Non-Commercial Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund” and the corresponding cleanup requirements. However, some action regarding the existence of heating oil tanks at homes is still required by the NC-DEQ as well as buyers or lending institutions before they will agree to fund a mortgage. At a minimum, a buyer or lending institution will normally request the tank be removed prior to purchase. And, if the tank shows signs of a leak, they will also want the seller to obtain an NNFA letter from the NC-DEQ.

As stated above, while the NC-DEQ normally no longer requires a cleanup, if a leak from the tank is discovered the leak must still be reported to the NC-DEQ using a NC-DEQ UST-61 reporting form. Further, a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NRP) and Public Notice must be successfully completed prior to obtaining a NNFA letter from the NC-DEQ. In response to these regulatory changes ECE has developed the following turnkey service to assist home owners in obtaining their NNFA including the following:
1) Oversight of the tank removal (if required);
2) Collection of a confirmation soil sample from under the tank for laboratory analysis;
3) Completion and submittal of the NC-DEQ UST-61 reporting form;
4) Completion of the Public Notice;
5) Completion and recordation of the NRP; and
6) Act as your representative to the NC-DEQ, all for a turnkey price of *$1,200.00.
Please contact Tom Will at ECE for additional information or to schedule your service.
* Please note that this price does not include the cost to remove the tank itself as this can vary between $1,000 and $2,000 depending on site specific conditions. ECE also offers UST removal services on a site specific basis.
Heating Oil Tank Removal
ECE has successfully completed “cradle to grave” regulatory compliance and environmental services for home heating oil tanks at hundreds of sites since 1992 beginning with: 1) closure of non-commercial tanks through either removal or in-place abandonment; 2) petroleum release and risk assessment; 3) risk reduction through the elimination of receptors or secondary contaminant sources; and 4) negotiating with the NC-DEQ for issuance of their NNFA letter.

Home heating oil tank issues occur when a property is listed for sale and home inspection reveals the presence of a buried oil tank. It makes no difference whether the tank is still in use or has not been used for years. Most buyers and lending institutions will want the tank removed before a purchase can take place. This is where ECE can keep the home sale moving along. We will professionally remove the tank and its contents. Most tanks can be removed by ECE or our subcontractors for as little as $1,500, plus liquids disposal.